Strengthened Together for Couples

Marriage Counselling 12-Week Program

One session per week


2 hrs each session


4 individual sessions per person


Are you feeling stuck in old patterns of scarcity and emotional dependence in your marriage? Do you long to break free and create a more loving, fulfilling relationship with your partner?

I offer a comprehensive Marriage Counselling Program that is designed to help couples like you create a strong, lasting foundation for your relationship.

Our Strengthened Together for Couples consists of 12 therapy/monitoring sessions, including 4 individual sessions for each person, as well as additional support materials. Through a combination of research, study, and practical experience, my program provides exclusive teachings that you won’t find elsewhere.

This program is ideal for anyone who wants to mature emotionally and develop their capacity for love and social relationships. Whether you’re struggling with communication, trust issues, or other challenges, my program can help you gain the tools and insights you need to overcome obstacles and build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with your partner. Imagine a future where you feel truly connected and fulfilled in your marriage, where you can overcome any obstacle together and grow stronger as a couple.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a happier, more fulfilling marriage, then sign up for my Strengthened Together for Couples Program today. With personalized guidance and support, you can break free from old patterns and create a stronger, more loving relationship with your partner. Book your sessions today and start your journey towards a happier, more fulfilling future.

Ready to take the first step towards a happier and healthier you?

What our clients are saying

I met Rose at the worst time of my life. When during the beginning of a much-desired pregnancy my husband and I came across the ultrasound with the possibility of a genetic change in my baby. I sought help from Rose, on the recommendation of a friend and it was very important to follow my path during pregnancy, and even after the loss of my daughter (with only 9 days to live). Rose was my support, gave me the basis to go on and face one day at a time! I am grateful to her and the work she does! I wish you much success always my dear friend!


Viviana T

The first day of therapy is a strange thing. It seems necessary to summarize our life, our pains. Squeeze the heart in time and space. Meeting Roseli was the beginning of something new for me. Attentive listening, welcoming and professionalism! Gradually, I opened up, trusting and, each week, my expectation increased to return and resume that thread. Life wanted to interrupt this trip to lead to other developments, but his smile, teachings and encouragement remained in my soul! Thank you dear! I wish you continue spreading the hope, courage and determination that guide your steps! Privileged will be those who have the opportunity to cross your path! Happiness and success is what I want for you in return for the joys and growth you helped me achieve. Kisses


Carmem M

Roseli is a sensational psychologist. It forces us to reflect better, to think differently about a certain subject. After I started therapy, I learned to see things in a different way, to deal better with my emotions, feelings, anguish, fears and, consequently, it teaches me to make better decisions, and change what bothers me. I am very happy and grateful for Roseli, it is very good to know that we are not alone and that we have someone to tell. I love doing therapy with Rose.


Mariana D

Benefits of the Strengthened Together for Couples Program

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